Drywall Steel Sections Limited General Data Protection Policy (GDPR)
The GDPR replaces the 1988 Data Protection Act. The new regulations are positive steps towards you (our customers, suppliers, employees, and anyone using Drywall Steel Sections Ltd assets) having more control over how your data is used and how you’re contacted. The changes will also help to better protect your personal data. We have updated our Privacy Policy as per below.
Drywall Steel Sections Limited is committed to meeting the needs of safeguarding all our employees, customers, suppliers, and anyone using our assets.
We hold your company name, address, contact names, telephone and fax numbers, and email addresses.
We store customers data within our CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to offer better services and a seamless ordering process to our customers. The data is stored in the cloud drive provided by Microsoft. Your information is stored on secure password protected computers that have secure firewalls and a threat protection system in place. This is also stored on a secure and encrypted backup system called Carbonite. Our servers may be accessed for configuration, maintenance and support reasons by our third-party IT Support provider, BLC Solutions. BLC Solutions does not have access to the data on our cloud drive without prior permission from the company.
Any details held by us are not passed onto any third parties except for the purpose of providing you with the service we provide to you or on the lawful basis. We use this information for the sole purpose of trading only.
We will retain your data for a period of up to 4 years (unless you request removal from our databases).
As part of the GDPR, we are required to obtain consent from you for removal of your stored data.
If you no longer wish us to hold your details, please click on the “Opt Out” link below to inform us.